Business Integration

Create A Connected Business.

The Bill Rush platform can be easily wired up to other business systems run by our Billing Tenants. Bill Rush exposes data delivery endpoints that enable the transfer of a variety of data sets outlined in the diagram below. This allows Tenants to easily push and pull files using a number of transfer protocols. For real time processing requirements the platform provides entitlement and payment APIs that enable the full power of the Bill Rush plaform to be connected into other parts of your business.

Bulk Dataflows

Bring data together with clarity and purpose. Use core Bill Rush billing and settlement workflows to target the correct integration outcomes. Save time, effort and expense when positioning Bill Rush at the centre of your revenue operations.

Bill Rush provides a zero trust open data based integration environment where data can be easily moved between upstream and down stream systems involved in billing and settlement activity.

Push and pull data to and from Bill Rush using the newest open data standards that are controlled with the latest generation of consent, authorisation and encryption technology.

Real Time Interfaces

Bill Rush provides real time APIs that allow you to integrate entitlement data, held at an account and subscription level, to service authorisation flows occuring in other parts of your business. Using this API feature activation can be dynamically applied; allowing billing tenants to control access to the products and services they offer to customers. Outstanding account balances can result in restrictions being enforced against customers with overdue invoices.

Real time APIs allow entitlement logic and payment processing functions to be used throughout your business.

Core settlement functions normally invoked by the main billing workflow can be accessed externally via the payments API. This allows Billing Tenants to leverage the powerful settlement processing capabilities of the Bill Rush platform in other areas of their business. In the example above an eCommerce system being run by a Billing Tenant can be wired up to Bill Rush for processing eCommerce payment transactions against the settlement networks the Tenant has enabled.